主持人: 贺远强 副教授
What are the basic building blocks of matter? And how do they interact? These are profound questions that human beings have been seeking an answer for thousands of years. At presence, we know the ordinary matter is made of quarks and leptons. For the past four decades, the Standard Model has been extremely successful in describing the fundamental interactions of quarks and leptons, and has served as the guide dog in moving particle physics forwards. After the discovery of the Higgs boson, all the prominent features of the Standard Model are experimentally established. Yet, the discoveries of neutrino oscillation, dark matter, and dark energy point to new physics beyond the Standard Model. The burning question is how to leap in the dark. In this talk, the status and prospects of our quest for the solution to this fascinating problem will be presented.
陆锦标,美国加州大学柏克莱分校教授,柏克莱-罗伦斯国家实验室资深科学家,美国物理学会Fellow。1976年毕业于香港大学物理系,1983年获得美国Rutgers大学博士学位。曾先后任职于美国University of Washington at Seattle、费米国家实验室、加州大学柏克莱分校和柏克莱-罗伦斯国家实验室。兼任香港大学物理系访问教授,香港科技大学高等研究所访问学者。2007年被评为中国教育部国家级人才项目学者,2013年获得LBNL科学杰出成就奖,2014年获得美国物理学会WKH Panofsky Prize,2016年的Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics的共同首席获奖者。陆锦标教授长期从事实验粒子物理研究,包括强子物理,中微子物理和宇宙学。他领导过多项粒子物理实验,其中的Omega-minus hyperon,strange-baryon decay等CP-violation实验均达到世界水平。2006年开始共同领导大亚湾中微子实验,成功发现了中微子第三种震荡模式,并精确测量变化值。获得了多项荣誉。发表的多篇论文拥有重要学术贡献。