
学术报告(2018年1月4日 10:00)

Giacomo Cacciapaglia(法国里昂大学资深研究员)
复合暗物质与希格斯粒子(Composite Dark Matter and the Higgs)
117 Lecture Room, David Sin Hall (冼为坚堂), Guangzhou South Campus, SYSU
10:00 am, Thursday, January 4, 2018

主持人:张宏浩 教授


I will discuss how a Dark Matter candidate can be obtained in composite models alongside a composite Higgs boson. The prime candidate will be a state of the extended light scalar sector, that naturally arises in models with a simple gauge-fermion underlying completion. I will finally present the phenomenology of one specific model, based on the symmetry SU(4)xSU(4)/SU(4).

About the speaker:
Dr. Giacomo Cacciapaglia is a permanent senior researcher at the Lyon University in France.
He received his Ph.D. in physics at Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS, 比萨高等师范学校), Italy in 2003. His research interests include new physics beyond the standard model, collider phenomenology, and particle physics implication for cosmology.