To measure the last unknown three neutrino oscillation parameter (δ), several long-baseline neutrino experiments have been designed or proposed. Recently it has been shown that turning on neutral current Non-Standard Interactions (NSI) of neutrinos with matter can induce degeneracies that may even hinder the proposed state-of-the-art DUNE long baseline experiment from measuring the value of δ. We study how the result of the proposed MOMENT experiment with a baseline of 150 km and 200 MeV<E<600 MeV can help to solve the degeneracy induced by NSI and determine the true value of δ. Moreover, this experiment can determine the θ23 octant in presence of NSI. Since these two values can be determined by a low energy neutrino oscillation experiment such as MOMENT, we explored the effect of Charged-Current (CC) NSI on the determination of δ and θ23 octant by DUNE. In addition, We studied the potential of DUNE, both the near and far detectors, to constrain the CC NSI parameters.
2015 - now Post-doc researcher at physics department of Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM)
2011-2015 PhD in high energy physics at Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM)
Thesis: Bounds on non-standard neutrino properties by medium baseline reactor experiments.
• Advisor: Prof. Yasaman Farzan (yasaman@theory.ipm.ac.ir)
• Research Visitor at Stockholm University
• Co-Advisor: Prof. Thomas Schwetz-Mangold (schwetz@fysik.su.se)