主持人:董建文 教授
A ‘twist’ in the micro-structure of a metamaterial can give rise to some interesting electromagnetic properties. Some of these phenomena can be interpreted in terms of a synthetic gauge potential. One example is the control of the equifrequency surfaces at the long wave length limit. All natural materials have their index ellipsoids centered at k=0. We will see that some metallic helical structures can possess multiple index ellipsoids centered at arbitrary nonzero k-points. The functionality of the metamaterial is derived from the topology of the structure, not from resonances of individual resonators. Another example is the realization of classical wave Weyl crystals. Weyl points, as monopoles of Berry curvature in momentum space, have captured much attention recently in various branches of physics. We will see that Weyl points can be found in metallic chiral structures that can be fabricated using existing technology.
香港科技大学陈子亭教授,h指数> 70。团队致力于各种新材料的理论研究,包括光子晶体,超材料和纳米材料。团队撰写了超过300篇学术论文,包括《Nature Materials》、《Nature Physics》、《Physical Review Letters》、《Nature Communications》等。陈教授是于崇光基金理学教授,港科大物理学讲座教授,超材料研究中心主任及港科大高等研究院前行政总裁。他是美国物理学会会士(fellow),并获得了海外华人物理学会亚洲成就奖(2000)、Croucher高级研究成就奖(2010)、迈克尔•盖尔杰出教学奖(Michael Gale Medal,1999)和布里渊奖章(2013)。