多普勒干涉原子力显微镜(Cypher AFMs)



型号:Cypher S & Cypher ES
制造商:Oxford Instrument Asylum Research
存放地点:550栋 115 



Asylum Research Cypher S 是一款可商业化的快速扫描AFM,Cypher 系列是少有的全功能快速扫描AFM,该系列AFM可兼容各种模式和配件。此外,该系列的优势还在于其更容易获得高分辨率。在材料科学和生命科学研究领域, Cypher S 可以实现在空气和液体环境下的对样品进行高质量的扫描和测量。Asylum Research Cypher ES 在具有Cypher S出色性能的同时,增加了完整的环境控制功能。 Cypher ES 具有与Cypher S相同的高分辨率、速度和稳定性,同时在气体或液体环境(0-250°C),甚至某些恶劣的化学环境下也能轻易地操作实验。对于那些有苛刻要求的实验来说,Cypher ES AFM是十分理想的选择。


  1. X,Y方向的扫描范围不低于30μm,Z方向不低于5μm;X,Y轴闭环噪音不高于80pm(Adev,1Hz到1KHz带宽),能够利用闭环扫描轴实现原子级的成像;
  2. 扫描器系统高度噪音(探针接触样品表面)不高于15pm(Adev,1Hz到1KHz带宽);
  3. 一体化的密封环境控制腔:探针夹持器与样品腔可组成全密闭式样品环境控制器,无需外接组件;内置压力传感器,实时监测环境控制腔内的压强,密闭腔体内可承受不少于30kPa的正压;环境控制腔能够耐酸、碱、溶剂、缓冲溶液和惰性气体;
  4. 可进行密闭环境下的湿度控制,湿度控制范围不低于:20%-80%RH,控制精度± 2%RH;
  5. 一体化的温度控制模块无需外接控制器或者制冷泵等,液相或气相下进行加热或制冷的样品台。变温范围0-120℃,温控精度0.1℃;
  6. 能够利用导电针尖进行导电AFM成像和I-V曲线测试;电流测试范围不低于1pA-20nA;
  7. :模块本身能直接输出(不需要外接放大器)高达150 V的测试电压,能够在高压模式下实现双频共振追踪模式、极化翻转谱压电力显微镜测试以及矢量压电力显微镜模式



  1. Fast Force Mapping Mode – Force-distance curve mapping mode that operatesat up to 1000 Hz pixel rate. Good for samples from 10 kPa to 100 GPa
  2. Fast Current Mapping – Mode Measures current in Fast Force Mapping Mode
  3. Standard probe holder - For most AFM modes in gas environments (standard)
  4. Conductive AFM (CAFM) Measures probe holder – DC current from 1 pA to >10 µA
  5. Ambient sample holder - Operate in gases or liquids at ambient temperature
  6. Heating and cooling sample holder- Operate in gases or Liquids at temperatures between 0–120°C
  7. Heating sample holder - Operate in gases at temperatures from ambient to 250°C
  8. Humidity sensing sample holder - Operate in gases and measure the humidity in the cell
  9. Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (PFM) – voltages (up to ±150 V) and at the tip-sample contact resonance frequency (DART Mode)
  10. Electrostatic Force Microscopy (EFM) - Measures electrostatic force gradient
  11. Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (KPFM) - Measures sample surface potential and work function\\
  12. Scanning capacitance Microscopy (SCM): Measures both permittivity and conductivity in contact or Fast Force Mapping Mode. Operates on insulating, semiconductor and conductive materials



